The world of Forex Trading is filled with pitfalls and traps that could lead any trader astray, no matter how skilled or experienced they might be. Naturally, if we want […]
Being a forex trader is kind of like being a decision maker all the time. Forex bots. Since you are making important decisions left and right. And one of these […]
What is your most precious possession in Forex? No it is not money. They are Trading Strategies! Your most valuable possession is time. In today’s fast-paced world, time is really […]
One of the most difficult things in Forex Trading Strategy, in any domain is knowing where to start. So if you are new to bot trading or automated trading in […]
Trend trading is one of the most popular methods of trading among forex bots and traders. It is at the same time one of the most profitable methods as well. […]
As the market is evolving, so are the new and novel trading methods and Forex Robots that are being invented every day. New trading strategies are absolutely necessary especially as […]